Varulv #4 Cover, Wiki and Crowdfunding in November

Hi guys!

I want to apologize for being a day late with the weekly update. A birthday party has taken over our house! So! Here’s a little something I know at least a few of you have been waiting for… the cover to Varulv #4!

I also updated a few items on the ol’ Varulv Wiki if you guys want to go over there and take a look. More to come in that department for sure, but the main cast now have their new profile pictures up and the beginnings of their new biographies.

Now, for the really big show… The announcement of our earth-shattering crowdfunding campaign for the print run on the Varulv Collected Edition Trade Paperback.

I need $2,000.

I told you it wasn’t going to be a lot. And with the book nearly done, it looks like we can get these puppies printed and shipped to you guys in the first half of 2025 (if not the first quarter). I also have some groovy extras to throw in – original art, sketch cover editions of Varulv #1 with sketches, stickers, prints, and more. But yeah… there it is… the “big number” I’ll be trying to hit.

I’ll be setting up the campaign throughout October and launching in November! I foresee a $20 price tag (plus tax and shipping, please) for those of you who want to get just the book for yourselves. And of course, I’m happy to sign them, free of charge. That said, I feel this goal is more than attainable and I very much look forward to bringing Varulv’s first TPB to life!

Hey! Next week we have the beginning of Varulv #4! See you Friday!


Issue #4 Coming Soon, Wiki, Conventions, and More!

Hey gang!

Exciting stuff on the horizon as Varulv, unbelievably, is on its way to wrapping up its first story arc as we bring you Varulv #4: Judgment, in October and November. That said, the official start date for that issue will be Friday, October 4th, 2024!

I’ll very probably have a look at the cover in the coming days for you guys, and with that in mind, wanted to reintroduce the idea of reinvigorating the wiki. And I mean it, this time!

We’ve experienced another explosion of interest in the series this past month, and as our first four issues wrap up, the timing couldn’t be better. That said, there will be more Varulv in 2025, with issues 5 and 6, but before those kick off, I think it’d be great to have a resource like a dedicated Varulvopedia to reference things, for newcomers as well as seasoned readers. Until then, have a look at some of the concept art for character profiles, I’m currently working on!

Too, I have one more convention to go, and will see you guys at Manheim Comicon in November. By then, I’ll have launched the crowdfunding campaign to fund the publishing of our first collected edition, which I hope to have more info on, next week!

In the meantime, if you want to check in on me personally, and hear about all the plans I have for the months to come, I invite you to go see my latest video — the first in what will likely be a series of vlogs, right here!

That’s all for now, friendos! Have a great weekend and I’ll catch you next time!

March 30, 2024: Issue #2 Begins Next Week!

Varulv is moving into a weekly update schedule!

Hey hey! A couple of announcements this week!

Next Friday, April 5th, I’ll be posting the first three pages of Varulv #2 and kicking off weekly updates for the series. Every week for the next 8 weeks, I’ll be bringing you guys three new pages every Friday as we make our way through our second story: “Deceptions.” Don’t miss an update! Unless… you know… you can’t make it for some reason. In that case, feel free to miss an update because it’ll still be waiting for you here when you can read it!

Of course, if you were one of our pre-order backers, by now you should have received your limited foil edition in the mail! I’m getting notices from people on the daily, letting me know they’ve arrived! If, however, you were one of our supporters and haven’t gotten yours yet, please get in touch and I’ll be happy to have my team look into what’s going on.

Finally, I’m in the process of working out logistics for an art book that also features sketch covers! I should have more information on that before the end of April. Too, I’ve begun compiling various texts for the Wiki. Failing to find a suitable replacement that I like which would also play nice with our current website layout, I’m just going to re-launch the Varulv Wiki over on Fandom. And of course, that means you guys can contribute as well, if you want to. Look for more info on that as I get it all done.

So that’s everything for now, guys! Remember – if you want to get notified of comic updates and more, the best way to do that is to join our pack! We have our weekly mailing list, and if you’ve got as little as a dollar to spare each month, then you can join my Patreon. Thanks, as always, for your support!

Seeya later, pals!


Hey there and welcome to my little information repository where I’m regrouping my ideas for the Varulv reboot. Here are some Wiki pages I’ve created to collect my thoughts on world and character development. All of this stuff is one big WIP, but I hope you enjoy the peek into my brain as the story of Varulv unfolds!

Character Sketches


Bestiary: Ulven | Trolls | Half-Trolls | Fae

World Map: Old World | New World