July 26, 2024: Book 3, Chapter 3

Double-page spread (7/8) and page 9 updated!

Hey everyone!

Another update coming your way, tonight! Really throwing you readers right into the thick of the action with our first two-page spread since the Varulv Classic era. Lucky for Blaidfästt, the city’s issue of lacking an established guard seems to have found a workaround in a citizen’s milita. But will the people and their werewolf protectors be enough to fight off the army of Trolls and Iele? Find out, in our latest update!

Had a great time at the James V. Brown library last weekend! Thanks to everyone who came out to say hi! My next convention appearance will also be my last for the year, so if you’re local to the East coast, come out this November and see me at Manehim’s Kids Love Comics comvention!

In other news, I’ll verly likely be making an announcement regarding my Discord Channel and the wiki too, next time. Stay tuned for that.

That’s all for now, everyone! I’ll see you in a week!

All My Best,


July 12, 2024: Book 3, Chapter 1

Varulv Issue #3 Begins Now! Pages 1-3 Uploaded!

Hello and well-met, friendos!

I can hardly believe it, but today begins the first updates of Varulv issue #3! We join our heroes once again as the conflict between the Trolls, Iele, and the villagers of Blaidfästt approaches an all-out war. The Jarl has been unseated and our werewolfy good guys are already being forced to meet the opposition head-on. Needless to say, there’s lots of action ahead!

In other news, I’m waiting for my prints of Varulv Artbooks and Issue #2 to be ready at the printer! Next week, I’ll also be heading to a local convention at the James V. Brown Library here in Williamsport Pennsylvania! If you too, are local, feel free to come by and say hello! More on that, next week!

More cool stuff is on the horizon that I’m not at liberty to talk about just yet, and my schedule has admittedly gotten quite packed this summer, so lots of things are still being worked on behind-the-scenes which I can’t share just yet. I thought now would therefore be as good a time as any to promote my Patreon Page, where you can get exclusive looks at some of those behind-the-scenes things, hi-res compilations of the books, and much more. I’m doing a ton of freelance work and anything you guys want to throw at me on as a one-time or monthly donation is always appreciated and helps to keep the series going and free to read!

In the meantime, I’m thrilled to be starting our third issue of the series, and know you’re going to love all the groovy things I’ve got planned that are just around the bend!

See you next week!


June 28, 2024: Heading to Hershey Comicon!

See you there!

Hey guys!

If you’re on the East Coast, USA and looking for something to do this weekend – why not come visit the Sweetest Place on Earth for their annual comicon? I’ll be there, doing sketches, selling books, selling merch, and just plain hanging out. Should be a great time, and if you’re going, I very much look forward to seeing you!

The Artbooks are again getting a pre-production pass before going to print, so any formatting issues I’ve had are hopefully fixed. Too, Varulv #2 is heading to print as well! Awesome!

That’s all I have for you guys this week! Next week, I hope to bring together a few sneak-peeks of things to come as we near the premiere of Book #3! See you then!


June 14, 2024: Finishing up Artbooks

Coming soon-ish!

Hey gang!

This week, I wanted to wrap up work on the Issue #1 Artbooks that so many of you preordered. I had a lot of fun making these and showing off some of the concepts I developed for the series, as well as some art for things yet to come! The whole project should be wrapped and off to the presses by this weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Next week, I start page work on Varulv #3, officially. Really excited to be getting to this part in the story – a lot of action, a lot of drama, and none of it will really be slowing down until the first volume is complete at the end of issue #4. Can’t wait to show you!

As a reminder, I’ll be at Hershey Comic Con, June 29th and 30th, so if you’re in the area and in the mood for a comic convention, stop on by!

That’s all for now, gang. See you on Tuesday for another sketch, and have a great weekend!


March 30, 2024: Issue #2 Begins Next Week!

Varulv is moving into a weekly update schedule!

Hey hey! A couple of announcements this week!

Next Friday, April 5th, I’ll be posting the first three pages of Varulv #2 and kicking off weekly updates for the series. Every week for the next 8 weeks, I’ll be bringing you guys three new pages every Friday as we make our way through our second story: “Deceptions.” Don’t miss an update! Unless… you know… you can’t make it for some reason. In that case, feel free to miss an update because it’ll still be waiting for you here when you can read it!

Of course, if you were one of our pre-order backers, by now you should have received your limited foil edition in the mail! I’m getting notices from people on the daily, letting me know they’ve arrived! If, however, you were one of our supporters and haven’t gotten yours yet, please get in touch and I’ll be happy to have my team look into what’s going on.

Finally, I’m in the process of working out logistics for an art book that also features sketch covers! I should have more information on that before the end of April. Too, I’ve begun compiling various texts for the Wiki. Failing to find a suitable replacement that I like which would also play nice with our current website layout, I’m just going to re-launch the Varulv Wiki over on Fandom. And of course, that means you guys can contribute as well, if you want to. Look for more info on that as I get it all done.

So that’s everything for now, guys! Remember – if you want to get notified of comic updates and more, the best way to do that is to join our pack! We have our weekly mailing list, and if you’ve got as little as a dollar to spare each month, then you can join my Patreon. Thanks, as always, for your support!

Seeya later, pals!

March 8, 2024: Digital Editions of Varulv Now Available

Get them for all your devices!

Hey everyone!

This week, I’m happy to announce that Varulv #1 is now available in PDF and MOBI formats over on our Gumroad page. If you’re like me, you love the convenience of having your comics in a digital format. And, like me, you probably prefer to have your digital copies on your own storage. With that in mind, our Gumroad store has you covered!

Also, for those of you who picked up the limited edition of Varulv #1, they are on their way to the printer as we speak. I sent out a survey to my orderers and am happy to announce that we’re doing a kickass foil cover for these books. They are going to look super-primo and I couldn’t be more excited to get them to you guys. And yes, regular “floppy” editions of the comic will soon be available to purchase, as well. Stay tuned.

Production on the next books has been started and I hope to fill these update pages in the coming weeks with further snapshots of that, as well as the aforementioned character profile pages and tweaks here and there on the site design in general. Hope you like where things have gone, thus far.

Anyway, that’s all for now, pals! Have a great weekend and thank you for the support!

January 13, 2024: VARULV Classic Issues

Hey guys,

Just spent the morning porting the first four issues of VARULV from a hundred years ago (okay, more like 13 years ago…) over here. So, those of you who have been asking to see those – rejoice! They’re here:

If there’s interest, I’ll upload the remaining issues, too. And fear not — if you don’t feel like taking a trip down memory lane, there’s no need. The new VARULV updates are going to be a complete rehashing of the old stories, and different in a lot of significant ways. Therefore, these are presented here as a preservation of the series’ history, and are in no way going to affect the current canon. Enjoy!


Hey there and welcome to my little information repository where I’m regrouping my ideas for the Varulv reboot. Here are some Wiki pages I’ve created to collect my thoughts on world and character development. All of this stuff is one big WIP, but I hope you enjoy the peek into my brain as the story of Varulv unfolds!

Character Sketches


Bestiary: Ulven | Trolls | Half-Trolls | Fae

World Map: Old World | New World