Stig is a male Ulven of the chiropteran (bat) variety. He is a warrior of the Blaidfästt pack, and the group’s one-man aerial support unit. Stig is from Ardeel, a country to the east of the Northlands, and is of noble blood (though he’s renounced his Lordship).
Stig is cocky, carefree and a bit careless. He likes drinking, showing off, starting fights (usually while drinking and showing off) and sleeping with anyone who’ll have him. All that said, he is a capable warrior and his unique Ulven form and ability to fly makes him a huge asset to his packmates despite his penchant for debauchery.
Greta is a female Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. She is second in command of the Blaidfästt pack, and right-hand-woman to Ragna. Greta was formerly a member of the Red Wraiths, a pack of Ulven comprised entirely of women.
Greta is no-nonsense, a bit cold, and rough around the edges. She is an excellent warrior and takes her duties as a commander within her pack, seriously. That said, she clearly desires companionship and has a deep appreciation for those she calls friends, even though she has trouble expressing such feelings.
Kit is a male Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. He is the youngest of the Blaidfästt pack and the latest to undergo The Rite in order to become a werewolf. Kit is approximately 25 years old at the start of the series. Once a human soldier, Kit would have died of plague if The Rite had not been successfully carried out as a life-saving measure.
Kit’s personality is respectful, kind and inquisitive. He is bright and eager to learn new things. He shows patience even when others don’t give it in return.
Kjell is a male Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. He is a warrior of the Blaidfästt pack, and aside from Kit, the most recent addition to the group. Kjell’s history is something of a mystery, but from the markings on his arms (two bands, signifying he once led his own pack as an alpha) one can assume he is an old soldier with plenty of stories to tell — if one could only get him to open up and tell them.
Though he appreciates the security a pack affords him, and is deeply loyal and protective of his clan, Kjell is a bit of a lone-wolf. He is often quiet and distant — a man who prefers to to let his actions do most of the talking. He is a skilled combatant, and one would think he is supernaturally gifted in the areas of strength and speed. All that said, he has trouble following orders, and will often disobey his commanders, Ragna and Greta. One of Kjell’s greatest strengths is also his biggest weakness — self-reliance.
Full name: Kjell Björnstrand
Stats: Male, Ulven (Human/Wolf)
Hails From: The Northlands
Rank: Beta/Captain, (Former Alpha/Commander)
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