June 7, 2024: Comicon Wrap-Up

I’m back from 3 Rivers Comicon!

Hey gang!

Had a great weekend in Pittsburgh last week. If I got to meet you, I want to thank you personally for coming out to say hello! Especially if you braved everything else that was going on in the city and came out on Saturday. What a wild time (with no parking!)

Not a lot to update other than the fact that we went, hung out, had a blast, and came home. I wanted to get the issue 3 cover around this week, but time was not on my side, and I got busy with a couple of other projects. Not that I’m complaining — I realize the only deadline here is the one I make for myself, and it’s good to have my freelancing really taking off!

That said, I am currently formatting pages to get Issue 2 to the printers, as well as doing final touches on the art and layout of the Artbook! I expect to have that completed by next week, in fact. Can’t wait to get these here so I can start drawing all over them.

And that’ll be it for now, guys! More next week as things start to get a little more update-worthy. As usual, look for some art on Tuesday, June 11th! I’ll see you guys, then!

All my best,


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