4 thoughts on “VARULV Classic – Book9: Pg 6

  1. I’m glaf you wrote out what happened here. So sad that the romance wasn’t meant to be. I know how we talked on Deviant about it being possible for them to have kids and become a Varulv that way, but it doesn’t seem you wanted to turn her back human. Poor guys can’t catch a break!

    1. Yes, afraid you’re right. Just wasn’t gonna work out for him this time (again). 🙁

  2. Glad you’re back to work on the werewolf comics, DaBest!!

    1. Hey there! So glad you stopped by and glad you’re back to enjoy the show! 😀

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Varulv Classic is an archive of back-issues published from 2010 to 2013. They are presented here in interest of preserving the series’ history and are not canonical to the current storyline!


4 thoughts on “VARULV Classic – Book9: Pg 6

  1. I’m glaf you wrote out what happened here. So sad that the romance wasn’t meant to be. I know how we talked on Deviant about it being possible for them to have kids and become a Varulv that way, but it doesn’t seem you wanted to turn her back human. Poor guys can’t catch a break!

    1. Yes, afraid you’re right. Just wasn’t gonna work out for him this time (again). 🙁

  2. Glad you’re back to work on the werewolf comics, DaBest!!

    1. Hey there! So glad you stopped by and glad you’re back to enjoy the show! 😀

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